Maintenance Strategies: Improve Asset Performance

🚧 Maintenance strategies are critical to ensuring the longevity and safety of infrastructure assets across multiple industries. Ranging from corrective to proactive, these strategies play a critical role in extending asset lifespan, optimizing performance, and mitigating the risk of downtime and failure.

🔃 Understanding the asset lifecycle is critical to developing effective maintenance strategies. It includes stages such as installation, operation, degradation, intervention, repair, and eventual decommissioning. Metrics such as Time to Maintenance (TTM), Time to Failure (TTF), and Time to Repair (TTR) indicate asset performance and maintenance effectiveness.

Different Maintenance Strategies ⬇️
-Corrective maintenance: addresses issues as they occur, suitable for unexpected failures with limited resources.
-Preventive maintenance: includes scheduled inspections and maintenance tasks to prevent potential failures, ideal for assets with predictable degradation patterns.
-Condition-based maintenance: uses real-time data and condition monitoring technologies to trigger maintenance, ideal for assets with variable usage patterns.
-Predictive maintenance: predicts failures using advanced analytics and historical data, ideal for assets with well-understood failure modes.