4DShape – 3D continuous linear inclinometer

4DShape – 3D continuous linear inclinometer

A compact and adaptable monitoring solution:

4DShape is composed of a flexible chain of high precision 3D inclinometers with integration of deformations. It is a solution allowing monitoring of millimetric movements continually and automatically in soils and on structures.

4DShape offers:

– a compact monitoring solution to observe in real-time 3D deformation of soil and structures
– reliable and precise measurements to understand structural behaviour

4DShape has many different applications:

– Automated measurements of boreholes (automatic vertical profiles)
– Convergence measurements of tunnels and galleries
– Settlement measurements along horizontal profiles (embankments, rail tracks, etc.)
– Deformation measurements of vertical structures (walls, columns, etc.)

Benefits and added value of 4DShape:

– Our 4DShape is a versatile and compact instrument solution that can be adapted to your project’s specific requirements: measurements for buildings, linear infrastructures, and subsoil projects.
– 4DShape is very well suited to long-term monitoring.
– It can be associated with an automatic alarm system when used with our Beyond Monitoring platform.