Discover our Mine & Quarry’s expertise: Atlas InSAR

At every stage of your project, monitoring ground deformation and structure stability is essential to maintain the quality and safety of your operations. Therefore, we would like to introduce InSAR, our satellite monitoring solution.

Topographic surveys are usually done manually or by using a total station. However, none of these alternatives matches the efficiency, millimetric precision, and convenience of InSAR.

– Traditional measurement methods usually monitor the displacements of precise points in an area, whereas InSAR monitors the entire surface, using millions of measurement points in a reduced time lapse. While very high-resolution results, our solution’s deployment only takes two days compared to other methods that require seven days.
– Through satellite images, InSAR captures the details of a whole area simultaneously, with unique accuracy. You can also compare current pictures to previous ones (up to 30 years ago) and better understand the area’s ground motions.
– As a remote sensing technology, InSAR doesn’t require any onsite intervention to provide results. This service allows quicker, cost-efficient, and reliable risk management of your projects.

Next time you think about large-scale monitoring (railways, pipelines…), look at the stars and think InSAR. It’s a no-brainer.