
At Sixense, we support asset owners with our extensive drone expertise.


Drones have the potential to revolutionize a wide range of applications, from assets and risk management to construction and consulting.

They simplify structure inspection, data collection, and provide accurate diagnoses and recommendations.


· Inspection: Drones enable us to access remote areas to complete an accurate assessment and operate more quickly afterward if needed.


· Digitization: Digitizing your assets is an essential step in every project. With the mapping function of our drones, we can recreate a 3D high-quality digitalized image of your infrastructure or land (topographic survey) in a short amount of time.


At Sixense, we have extensive experience using these technologies enabling our clients to:


💰 Save time and money on large-scale projects the data collection and processing


🔎 Enhance operators’ safety in remote or hard-to-reach areas


🛡️ Improve the data accuracy to formulate the ideal solutions for your specific needs.


Do you picture how drones could change the way you manage your assets?