ICV Certificate:

Sixense has been registered and operating in the UAE since 2009. This long-term presence and engagement in the UAE’s development was recently rewarded with our first ICV certification. While holding such certificate may not be compulsory to take part in ADNOC Group tenders, we hope this recognition will strengthen our position and reflect our commitment to ADNOC core values.


An ICV certificate held by an entity, is a measure of the entity’s contribution towards the local economy based on a set of pre-determined criteria.


Here are the objectives of the Unified ICV Program:

  • GDP Diversification
  • Emiratization
  • Localizing critical parts of the supply chain


In line with the leadership vision and economic goals of the Government Accelerator Program (Ghadan 21), ADNOC and Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development  signed a Memorandum of Understanding to standardize the In-Country Value (ICV) Certification process. Aldar Properties and Abu Dhabi Ports are also part of the unified ICV certification process.


ICV certification is a process to certify supplier or contractor ICV score by the independent pre-approved ICV certifiers.

Suppliers are strongly encouraged to undertake the ICV certification process to attain the ICV.


In ADNOC’s ICV program, suppliers are expected to provide the ICV related documents in their commercial bids when bidding with ADNOC. ADNOC will consider ICV certification and ICV Improvement Plan (if required as per RFT) during the tender evaluation process.


While it is not compulsory to hold an ICV certificate to participate in ADNOC Group tender, suppliers that have an ICV certificate will have advantage during the tendering process. (Suppliers without the certificate will be considered to have 0% ICV).